To send me an email directly, email dre|w@freshs|  

Sentry 3.0 - Report a bug / Send Feedback (suggestion, comment, complaint, etc)

The purpose of this Beta version is to show you what Sentry 3 looks like and give you an idea of what is planned, introduce you to the new layout formats, and for you to try out the software and tell me what you think, so that I can improve the quality and fix bugs:

Any obvious bugs you see? What features look most exciting to you? What features don't you need/could do without? Any security concerns (e.g, with HTML layout mode) that come to mind? What would you like to see me add/change/do with the program? Any thoughts on how to change/add to the grey "bottom bar" with the Sentry button on it?

Please send me your bug reports, feature requests, questions and comments as they come to your mind. Sentry 3 is evolving software and future versions depend on the kind of feedback users send in!

Your name:     (optional)
Your email     (optional but YOU MUST FILL THIS out for a reply. We will not spam you..see our privacy policy)

Enter your comments below:

NOTE: Did you fill in your email address? It is needed for us to be able to reply!!


Bug Hunting, Incentives, Freebies

To encourage you to find and submit bug reports (and suggestions, comments etc), I will have an incentive program. Every time you email me a

- unique bug, glitch, spelling error, crash etc (include steps on how to reproduce the bug!)

- unique suggestion, feature request, change request, complaint, etc

I will give you 25% off the final cost of the program. So 4 such emails earns you a free copy. By unique, I mean something that hasn't been sent to me already.

Even better: If you make your own screen layout (HTML or SLF format) and submit it to Fresh Software, and we include it in the final release, we'll give you a complimentary 3-computer license and possibly a link from our webpage.