X-NetStat 6.0 Documentation

Last Revised: May 2021

Copyright © 1998-2021 Fresh Software LLC


The Options window lets you set program options and behavior.  It is divided into several sections.




Provides the most basic options to X-NetStat behavior.


Option Description
Automatically refresh connections When checked, X-NetStat will automatically scan for new connections.  Enter the number of seconds between scans.
Automatically lookup and display hostnames Makes X-NetStat lookup the hostname of each IP address, if available.
Persistent DNS cache Makes X-NetStat cache hostname lookups between sessions (not working!)
Show X-NetStat tips on Startup Show tips and tricks at startup (Not working!)
Start in the System tray Starts X-NetStat in the Windows system tray.
Minimize to System Tray Minimizes X-NetStat into the system tray, instead of the taskbar.
Show Splash Screen Displays the X-NetStat splash screen while starting.
Automatic Updates Checks for program updates on startup.  Choose which level of updates to subscribe to.




Agents are lookup activity that X-NetStat launches in the background to provide more information.   Toggle which ones you want active here.

Option Description
AutoARIN Automatically fetch NetBlock information from ARIN and associated databases, and cache this information.
Results show up in the 'Network' column, and the 'NetBlock' tab.
AutoPing Automatically ping the remote host to determine latency.
AutoTrace Automatically traceroute the remote host, to determine number of hops away it is located.

Connection Table

Change the display options for the Connection Table.

Option Description
Columns to show Check boxes of columns you want to show.  Unchecking a box hides it.  You can also use the View menu to turn columns on and off.
Show open TCP ports Makes X-NetStat display listening TCP connections and the programs listening for them.
Show a port's shortname when available Display the common short alias for a port number, if it is a well-known port.
Track Selected Connection Makes X-NetStat retain the currently selected connection every refresh, scrolling back to it if needed.
Force retention of horizontal scroll position Forces X-NetStat to retain the current scroll position of the Connection Table, between refreshes.
Jump to Info Panels based on click location on a connection Automatically loads relevant Info Panel panels when you click on different areas of a Connection row.

Friendly Names

Friendly names are aliases you can automatically assign to a connection, based on an IP or hostname match pattern.

Option Description
Add Add a new friendly name.
Edit Edit the selected friendly name.
Delete Delete's the selected friendly name.
Clear all Clears all friendly names.


Display and edit active and inactive rules in X-NetStat.   See also: Rules


Option Description
Add Add a new rule.
Edit Edit selected rule.
Delete Delete selected rule.
Clear all Clear all rules permanently.

Packet Sniffer

Configure X-NetStat's packet sniffing options.

Option Description
Default Sniffer Tells X-NetStat whether to use the internal sniffer, or NPcap (recommended).
NPcap Status Displays info on whether NPcap is installed, and if so, what version.
IP Address to Sniff Forces X-NetStat to sniff a specific IP address, or instead auto-detect.
Bandwidth Settings Tell X-NetStat what your min/max bandwidth is, to better display graphical meters.
Max Downstream The max downstream of your network to the Internet.
Max Upstream The max upstream of your network to the Internet.
Queue Refresh on new TCPs When checked, X-NetStat will automatically refresh connections every time a new TCP connection is established.

This could result in multiple refreshes per second on very active systems, and may degrade performance.










































































































